The Seven Worlds & the Seven Cosmic Planes
In the opening sentence of Genesis in Hebrew language can be read in two ways, by differently placing the vowels and dividing the words in another way: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" and "Out of the ever-existing essence (of space) the twofold energy formed the double heaven." Both readings complement each other and shed light into the formation of the Solar System, the heavens and the earth (cf. Psalm 19:1–6), out of the "ever-existing essence," not out of "nothing," when the Cosmic Root-substance is gathered together and set in motion by the collective Great Being God — Elohim. (An artist's impression of a protoplanetary disk)
The Biblical passage "In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1) hints at the origin and nature of the Architect of the Solar System, the threefold God (Will, Wisdom and Activity aspects) of each Solar System in the Universe, to be rooted in the diffusion and differentiation, through the lower Cosmic Planes, of the seven Great Logoi, Who proceeded from the threefold Supreme Being (Power, the Word and Motion aspects) — the Great Architect of the Universe.
- The World of God
- The World of Virgin Spirits: home of the virgin spirits, differentiated within God Himself as "sparks from a Flame" at the beginning of Manifestation, prior to the beginning of pilgrimage through matter
- The World of Divine Spirit: related to the Ego's Divine Spirit aspect; home of The Father; inhabited by the Lords of Wisdom, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Virgo (
- The World of Life Spirit: related to the Ego's Life Spirit aspect; home of the Christ (The Son, the Solar Logos); inhabited by the Lords of Individuality, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Libra (
); higher Memory of Nature (events from the earliest dawn of our present manifestation, open only to Adepts and higher Spiritual Beings)
- The World of Thought, the world of tone:
- Region of Abstract Thought: inhabited by the Lords of Form, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Scorpio; the "Third heaven" state of consciousness; Germinal idea(s); related to the Ego's Human Spirit aspect; the home of Jehova, The Holy Spirit:
- - this Great Hierarch is, from the viewpoint of these Esoteric Christian teachings, the evolved form of the third aspect of God, the creative energy in Nature, which is reflected in man as sex energy; the misuse or abuse of that power, the holy creative force [of God] in man, for gratification of the passional nature, and particularly perversion (see also human sexual behaviour), constitutes the sin against the Holy “Ghost”;
- - the great transgression, the abuse of sex function or generative force for sense gratification, must be expiated, under the Law (of Cause and Consequence), through suffering in diseased and incapacitated bodies and minds, mainly afflicted with developmental disabilities – as there is a close connection between sexual activity and mental activity, as well as the power of speech – and incurable cancer (see also carcinogenesis and cancer treatment) for those who abuse the sex function in a very marked and bestial degree:
- Region of Concrete Thought: related to the Mind; inhabited by the Lords of Mind, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Sagittarius; the "Second heaven" state of consciousness; Archetypes; Memory of Nature in the highest subdivision (covering the essence of a whole life or event); ocean of harmony: the Music of the Spheres
- The Desire World, the world of color: related to the Desire body; home of the Archangels, astrologically associated to Capricorn; the abode of deceased persons, for some time subsequent to the event of death
- higher regions, Attraction, the "First heaven" state of consciousness
- intermediate region, Interest and Indifference
- lower regions, Repulsion, the "Purgatory" state of consciousness
- The Physical World, composed of seven (7) regions:
- Etheric Region: related to the Vital body; home of the Angels (seen as being one step beyond the human stage, as humans are a degree in advance of the animal evolution), astrologically associated to Aquarius; Memory of Nature in the reflecting ether (pictures at least several hundred years back or much more in some cases, almost as the pictures on a screen, scene shifts backward). The etheric region is subdivided in four (4) regions according to the grades of density of the aether permeating our physical planet Earth: Reflecting Ether, Light Ether, Life Ether and Chemical Ether
- Chemical Region: the physical Earth as perceived through the five senses enhanced by the current technological equipment, subdivided in three (3) regions according to the three main states of matter: gaseous, liquid and solid. It is the current home of the self-conscious mankind, astrologically associated to Pisces. The Chemical region of the physical world is home to four life waves, or kingdoms, at a different stage in the evolutionary path: mineral life is the first and lowest level of spiritual evolution on Earth; then comes plants, with actual life, then animals (cold-blooded animals, then warm-blooded), and finally the human being. The beings belonging to each life wave either evolve through the work of the individual Spirit (human being) or are yet evolving under a group spirit, have a different state of consciousness, and have acquired more or less subtle bodies, according to the development stage of each life wave.
The Seven-fold constitution of Man
It also teaches that man is a complex being who possesses (inverse order provided, from lowest or most dense to highest or most subtle):A threefold body
- a Dense body, which is the visible instrument he uses here in this world to fetch and carry (the body we ordinarily think of as the whole man);
- a Vital body, which is made of ether and pervades the visible body as ether permeates all other forms, except that human beings specialize a greater amount of the universal ether than other forms (that ethereal body is our instrument for specializing the vital energy of the sun and it is seen by clairvoyant vision to extend about an inch and a half outside our visible body);
- a Desire body, which is our emotional nature and this finer vehicle pervades both the vital and dense bodies (it is seen by clairvoyant vision to extend about 16 inches outside our visible body, which is located in the center of this ovoid cloud as the yolk is in the center of an egg).
A mind (link or focus)
The Mind, which functions like a mirror, reflects the outer world and enables the Ego to transmit its commands as thought and word, and also to compel action.A threefold Spirit
On the other hand, it teaches the Ego (not to be confused with the ego as defined by psychology) is the threefold Spirit, the God Within, which uses these vehicles to gather experience in the school of life. The three aspects of the Spirit are (from highest to lowest aspect):- the Divine Spirit aspect;
- the Life Spirit aspect;
- the Human Spirit aspect.
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