Sunday, December 27, 2009

The True Tau - X

X Marks The Spot - How perfect is is that the X is the original Tau cross before being "twisted" and stood up to form the modern T? Considering, of course, that the X-ing of Planet X (NIB.RU) occurs when we must be in the shape of the Rose (like the mystically constructed Prague). X Marks the Spot of the Rose. It should be noted, Nibiru is known as the "Planet of the Crossing".
The TAV, or X, is called the "spark of divinity within all". X Marks The Spot.
If you think Wisdom does not agree with X being the Tau, then refer to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, and be sure to tell the founder of all the Ancient Wisdom schools of your disagreement, because the X on the Emerald Tablet is indeed a T, or Tav. (Chiram Telat Mechasot)

In Tibet, the Lamas say that all of material creation is upheld upon a foundation of crossed thunderbolts. These thunderbolts symbolize the dynamic agencies of cosmic process. If you doubt that Lamas have actually "been" to the molecular level long before mankind invented microscopes, then compare what the Lamas said to a modern x-ray:

As humankind continues to Awaken, one by one, we find our Collective Self asleep and being strangled to death by the Grand Illusion of Matter. Humankind is scraping the bottom of the material bucket. It's greatest danger is it's arrogance built upon a rational that wasn't born of praxis. The majority of modern "knowledge" is a collection of assumptions born of this rational. The energy of faith and belief is directed towards machines and things that cannot survive a simple solar flare, much less a Solar Plasma Cloud.
Humans will put their faith in pieces of metal, or guns, before the Creator of All Things. This is the height of Ignorance of the Self in relation to the One. In fact, with simple knowledge of Self, a weapon becomes a laughable piece of nothing that plays no part whatsoever in determining your path in life. Put your faith in eternal and perfect beings, not in man-made idealogies and breakable things.

Your Life is a series of Relations. If you want Nature's secrets, then RELATE to nature and be natural and eat naturally. If you want to know McDonald's secret-sauce then relate to mc donalds and eat their junk and you will gain that knowledge.
If you Relate to Peace, you live peacefully. If you Relate to Nature, you live naturally. If you relate to mass-media confusion, you live confused. If you relate to imbalanced diets of television or sugars, you live imbalanced.

Your relations help steer your thoughts. Your thoughts then turn into your feelings. Which turn into your personality and character. Which turn into your actions, which create the world around you. Which is a product of your Relations, considering your actions were born of your personality, which were born of your feelings, which is born of your thoughts, which is steered by your relations.

You relate to Mustard, so you Think of mustard, you feel that it makes your taste-buds happy, which means you make sure to always buy some at the store. Which means people continue to cultivate the mustard plant,others process it and your store will continue to order it. This simple act of buying mustard helps build the world around you.

But it all begins back at the first step, which is a Relation or Attraction to something or someone. The relation is natural to our heart, so it is not born of thought. It is the "first cause" of the world around us.
Notice how some now extinct cultures who Related to the stars would build their cities high up in hard-to-reach areas, far from water. The "first cause" of their cultural experience was to remain close to their Relatives, the Stars. Everything else followed suit.

I relate to the X. The Center of All Things. I also relate to Water and change, a time to rest, a time to act. Spiritual Evolution. The X is my first cause, the Mem is the watery surface that reflects and ponders the heart of all.

XM is 201 in 210. The 73 born in the heart of the X, which resides in 153 in the sphere of 291. 222,111 is the sum of my work here. 6332 is in the 7th Direction. The Essence of All. 52 is the path, 13 the hope. Trinity to Eternity.

Etz HaChayim עץ החיים

"The branches of this tree extend downward and upward, nourished by the three modes of material nature. The twigs are the objects of the senses. This tree also has roots going down, and these are bound to the fruitive actions of human society." ~ Baghavad-Gita

I recently found this amazing correspondence between a passage in my Baghavad-Gita and the Tree of Life, or Etz HaChayim. It was a random page after feeling inspired to pick up my Baghavad-Gita, touch it's cover to my forehead and opening it with a clear mind.

Tiphareth, Yesod and Malkuth are the 3 modes of nature here, with the roots going down into Malkuth (Eretz, Earth) which are "bound to the fruitive actions of human society".

Israel Regardie's 'A Garden of Pomegranates' shows the way to the Father, Kether, or Yekhuda (37), which is through the Sun, being Tiphareth or the Solar Plexus. This "spark of Light" within all things unites all of Creation, and has been expressed through religion as the Flaming Heart, in qabalah as Tiphareth (the Tav being the spark of light within all things), in yoga as the Solar Plexus, in math as the eternal PI (which is the Eternal center of all because all creations reside in a sphere), to the Hindus "Diwali", in geometry it is the "7th Direction" (the center of all 5 basic platonic solids that make up all of creation) and in alchemy it is the Quintessence, the 5th Essence or Element, defined as "nucleus of the essences and properties of all things in the universal world."

Michaelangelo drew, and knew that we are strange shapes within a sphere (aura), as Earth is shaped strangely, but is within it's sphere, as a nucleaus being orbited by protons is within it's "atomic" sphere.
All as one, on every level. The Whole is identical to the dot. The dot is identical to the Whole.

If only we knew our Divine potential and lived up to it, we might actually get the economy of life to work for us rather than against us.
One by One, and by is done.

Tikkun Olam

Repairing the World Through Regeneration

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Mem Key's ThoughtRevolution

Mem Key's    ThoughtRevolution
All the Jewels of Aniquity were hidden away in time, in the safe house known as the Modern Mind.